• Provide a single source of responsibility for all project activities
  • Participate in the macro planning and logistics analysis process – model alternative strategies to accommodate various expansion projections
  • Proactive budgeting and scheduling capability enables the tenant to evaluate the viability of potential sites
  • In-depth review of lease terms and conditions provides an important construction and operations perspective in the real estate broker’s review process
  • Extensive experience in developing the project consulting team provides a cohesive design implementation effort
  • Value Engineering experience reduces project costs through an interactive process with the design team and through recommendations for direct purchase opportunities
  • Proactive Request for Proposal process yields defined vendor services at competitive rates
  • Current experience in the negotiation of construction management contracts minimizes fees and general conditions costs
  • Current experience in the management of the subcontractor bid process eliminates collusion opportunities and minimizes project costs
  • Daily on-site presence insures the timely completion of construction work and minimizes change orders
  • Daily financial management, monthly financial reporting and real-time scheduling provides Senior Management with an ongoing status of the project
  • Central coordination for the relocation of personnel insures a smooth transition and efficient reactivation of the new facility
  • Detailed documentation provides an audit trail for all project activities